Piano Lessons | Ensemble Coaching, Theory Lessons, NCEA Music Tutoring, Online Lessons
Begin your musical journey with Dr Maria Mo!
Celebrated Korean-Kiwi pianist Maria Mo has been active in the NZ music community as a recitalist, concerto soloist, teacher, adjudicator and broadcaster for RNZ Concert.
After completing her BMus and MMus at the University of Waikato, Maria undertook further training in Vienna, Austria, where she attained a MA with Distinction from the Vienna Conservatory and a Postgraduate Diploma from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
In 2021, Maria received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree specialising in piano performance from the University of Waikato, where she researched the legacy of eminent NZ pianist and pedagogue, Janetta McStay (https://hdl.handle.net/10289/15240).
As concerto soloist, she has collaborated with Opus Orchestra, Trust Waikato Symphony Orchestra, Auckland Youth Orchestra, Auckland Symphony Orchestra and Wairua Sinfonietta. She has toured with Chamber Music New Zealand and performed in festivals in Australasia, the UK and Europe as guest artist for the likes of the Australian Cello Awards, ‘Semaine Internationale de Piano’ (Hindemith Foundation, Switzerland) and the Edinburgh Fringe.
Performance link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD1nhx9qYH0&t=7s&pp=ygUIbWFyaWEgbW8%3D
Teaching Info
I welcome students of all ages, levels and backgrounds. It is my goal to instil a true love of music as well as solid technique, understanding of musical theory, history and different stylistic conventions. If you are interested in a thorough, enthusiastic teacher who will cover all your bases, you’ve come to the right place.
I aim to foster each student’s musicianship through an individually-catered approach, and expect a high level of commitment and dedication which will be reciprocated in full.
I am able to assist with exams, NCEA assessments, chamber coaching and institutional auditions both here and abroad.
Lesssons are held in Sandringham, Auckland.