Piano Lessons | Keyboard Lessons | Artist development, Aural Lessons, Ensemble Coaching, Song Writing Workshops, Theory Lessons, Composition Lessons, Jazz Improvisation Lessons, NCEA Music Tutoring, Online Lessons
Taking Students For 2025!
I have over 30 years of teaching & performance experience. After performing internationally for 13 years, I returned to NZ in 2016 to resume my earlier teaching career. I continue to perform extensively.
Click the YouTube icon at the top of this page to view performance playlist of different styles.
My philosophy of teaching is all music learning should be fun! Be it learning to play a few simple songs, OR, following a long-term path to understanding melody, harmony and rhythm well. I encourage students to direct and develop their own musical journey, while foster good habits that promote creative enquiry and technical skill.
All Styles Taught: 1. Beginners (Parents welcome!). 2. Popular and modern. 3. Trinity/Royal Schools exams. 4. Jazz theory & improvisation. 5. Piano and Vocal Accompanying skills. 6. NCEA and University preparation. My teacher training has allowed me to structure and plan lessons effectively and in order to achieve the learning goals of each student.
Schedule as you like / Fees
Everyone’s requirements are different. Younger students prefer weekly half hour lessons, while adults often request flexible fortnightly longer lessons. Please discuss your needs. Happy to tailor make.
Standard Fees: Beginners $35 / half hour. Jazz and Improvisation $80 / hr Beginners ‘try out’ special: 60 min for $65 – see how you like it!’ (not applicable to Jazz Lessons) Beginners ‘block’ lessons 10 x 30minute lessons for 330 Jazz / Modern ‘try out’ special: 80min for $100; 5 x 1 hr lessons $360
Teaching / Performance Experience
From 1996 – 2002 Pieter performed & taught extensively in Wellington. Teaching included private tuition, school itinerant teaching, jazz, rock and improvisation workshops, children’s group keyboard and adult education classes. From 2002 to 2016 – he performed extensively on cruise lines and in hotels abroad in large & small ensembles. From 2011 – 2015 Pieter performed as a solo piano/vocal entertainer for Hyatt Hotels. Since his return to NZ, Pieter has dedicated his time to his private teaching practice and continues to perform around NZ.
Teaching Info
Lessons Contain: Fun Repertoire! Ear Training, Sight Reading & Musicianship. All students learn technical and reading skills & some theory principles for use in basic composition or improvisation. Pieter’s performance and teaching experience has given him the ability to teach a wide range of styles effectively to all ages with loads of enthusiasm!
Beginners & Children: Require a little more guidance and direction. My goal is to foster musical enjoyment in young students giving loads of enthusiasm & energy! Individual piano & keyboard classes start around age 6 and are highly interactive. Parents are welcome. Along with learning self chosen songs, children & beginners develop reading & listening skills and basic creative skills.
Specialty Jazz, Blues, Pop lessons: Classes are for those with a few years of understanding of piano. Theses focus on different styles, history, and harmony, (chord-scale relationship for reading / improvisation). You will learn to compose & improvise simple tunes & ideas and interpret to play from ‘leadsheets’ (chords, bass & melody). After a longer series of lessons students will gain skills to play, interpret jazz blues or pop tunes.
Please call to chat about your specific musical requirements!
Ph: 021 2056473 pjbosman@hotmail.com
Please see attached photo
Student "A" with successful exam certificates!
"I have learnt lots in the last two years. Pieter teaches me in a way that is easy for me to understand and I look forward to and enjoy my lessons. Pieter teaches with humour. He teaches me hard things that he makes easy to learn and I love learning new pieces". Arabella Marks, aged 11 Pieter Bos has been teaching my daughter Arabella (11) for 2 years & Fergus (8yrs) for over 1 year. In this time both have made great progress. Pieter chooses pieces that not only challenge our children but also have enormous appeal to there differing ages. Pieter is very patient, good fun and always encouraging. He is easy to communicate with and can be flexible when we need to make changes to lesson times. Pieter always conveys any assessment information and intended outcomes clearly to us. Louisa Marks louandgus@gmail.com
Arabella Marks & Parents
Please see attached Testimonial below.